Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The next six months..

Today I registered for my next semester's classes at MCAD, and can say that for the first time, I will have a class dedicated to the progression of my short film, Marvin's Garden.  For the most part I have so far been working on this project only in my spare time, and I'm quite excited to have this dedicated time to work on it.   Most important next semester will be finishing storyboards and building the set and props, their modeling, rigging, and dynamic set-ups.  Additionally, I will be finishing the character rigs and preparing to begin animation sometime during the summer or the start of the next fall semester.  More to come soon.

Jon Ludwig

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Baby tree stump progress

Been working on the rig for the first baby tree stump character.  Avars on each root end on the feet, avars on each tiny twig coming off the body, an avar to bend the top of the trunk, eye aim, a COG avar that moves both the "hips" and body, and a body control that won't effect the hips, allowing for some squash and for the body to fold into the legs a bit.  Next is cleaning up the weight painting, and adding lattice deformers that'll allow the body to squash and stretch.